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NASA's Vision: We reach for new heights and reveal the unknown for the benefit of humankind.


Why Travel to Space?

       Humans have never been satisfied with what they have.  They have always wondered if there was more over the hill.  That is why we have explored and settled our world.  A problem is that we have overpopulated and have used up so much of its resources and harming it in the process.  Now we have been almost everywhere, so what is our challenge now? That is the big question.


         People that oppose space travel can make some valid points.  Much

money has been spent on the space program and some question that

though we have gained knowledge and accomplishments like being

the first on the moon. Did we get our money's worth? We have not

solved the problems here on our planet.   We have people that

die every day from hunger and disease.   People live in

horrible conditions and great poverty.  Our climate is

changing due to global warming.  What right to we have

to go and mess up another planet?


         Yet the need of humans' curiosity to be met as

they stare at the stars at night cannot be ignored.

NASA is more than just space.  Scientists there are

allowed to be creative and have made products that

have been manufactured and have been sold to

everyone.  It has brought  in $21 billion in sales,

352,000 jobs and $335 million in taxes. That was

just between 1976 and 1984.  NASA is working

now to mine asteroids that could provide us with

important resources.  The plans to journey to Mars

could provide us with more resources and a future

home for some people.  It could save our species by

we continue to travel and we sit and do nothing, then

we will fail without a doubt.

         Changes to the program are needed.  There needs

to be a clear purpose to the mission.  The youngest

generations of school children have never seen someone go

to the moon, so they may not see the relevance of it.  We

have forgotten the challenges and the lives that were lost.

To understand the importance of exploring, look at history. 

Humans  have always had the need to explore.  It cannot be





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